Who we are

Walter Cipriani

I was born in Rome in 1961, I am the fourth generation of a family of artisans whose history begins at the end of the 19th century and continues to this day.
I spent my first 15 years of working life in the family business.
In 1995, I enrolled in the courses of the Institute for the Conservation of
the Historical and Artistic Heritage on the island of San Servolo in Venice, specializing in Stuccomarmo and Marmorino.
Later I set up my own business by opening a decoration workshop in the center of Rome together with my wife Carolina d’Ayala Valva. For years
we worked for various private and public clients and taught both in
Italy and abroad the techniques in which we have always been specialists:
Stuccomarmo/Scagliola for me and Grotesque decoration for Carolina.
I collaborated for a few years with the German artist Kerstin Brätsch on the creation of works in Stuccomarmo that were exhibited at the Memmo Foundation (Palazzo Ruspoli-Rome) in 2018, at the MoMa in New York (an exhibition still underway) since 2019 and at the Venice Biennale in 2022.
For some time now I have also been dedicating myself with great
passion to ceramics, which for me represents a great discovery.
I work with both clay and stoneware and I have managed to develop a
personal technique with which I can knead clay to imitate marbles just as
I do with plaster. I believe I am the only one to use scagliola techniques to make ceramics.
I draw inspiration from what surrounds me and, living in Rome, I can only draw stimulus from the ancient marbles of the Romans and their classical art,  I also really like Etruscan ceramics and in general all ceramics of pre-Roman Italic production.
My works are always unique pieces, even if sometimes repeated in shapes or colors, there are never two identical

Carolina d'Ayala Valva

I was born in Italy in 1967, and lived for many years in Brazil with my family. In this country I graduated in Architecture. When I returned to Italy I decided to follow my artistic inclinations by becoming a decorative painter.
The atelier I founded together with my husband, Walter Cipriani,
also an artist, had as its address one of the most fascinating areas
of Rome, near Piazza Navona, and there clients arrived who for years commissioned us to work in the most varied pictorial styles and
on all types of surfaces.
I worked a lot in my studio but also on building sites decorating ceilings, walls and furniture for both Italian clients and prestigious foreign clients.
Over the years, driven by an insatiable curiosity, I have done a lot of research on pictorial materials specializing in ancient traditional techniques.
My personal style in designing and painting ornaments in the “Grotesque” style using egg tempera, caught the attention of a French publisher who invited me to write a book on the subject: “Art et techniques de la grotesque” - Editions Vial
The success of the book led me to be invited to hold Master Classes in Italy, Belgium, France, the United States and Japan for hundreds of students and to organize some myself in Rome.
In 2018 I started a collaboration, together with my husband Walter Cipriani, with the international artist Kerstin Bratsch. For her I did a color research on ancient pigments and I created a special tempera based on ancient traditional recipes.
I developed a series of colors that were then used for the
walls of the rooms that housed her works:
2018 - Fondazione Memmo, Rome
2019 - MoMA, NY
2022 - Venice Biennale (Venice)
After many years working as a decorator I felt the desire to combine all this with a production of oil paintings and gouache on paper of naturalistic inspiration to offer a more intimate and personal vision of my work. You can find them on my personal website: https://www.carolinadayalavalva.it/
Paper is my favorite medium, I like the consistency and the sound that the brush stroke produces on its surface and it reminds me of the immediacy of the preparatory cartoons used in decoration. Over the years my creative path has been further enriched, adding skills in the field of illustration and textile design to my curriculum. I created an entire collection of scarves inspired by the travels of the Victorian painter Marianne North, for the Innbamboo company: https://innbamboo.it/categoria-prodotto/foulard-bamboo/seta/
I also collaborated with the German company:  Zoeppritz, designing a collection that celebrated 180 years of a long history of producing blankets of the highest quality. Together with Walter we carry on this project of "Pottery Roma", I take care of painting the vases and sometimes designing their shapes. A new experience that I am happy to add to all those I have done so far and that opens up new horizons for me.
2023: ROME - Medina Contemporary Art Gallery: "Flor" (solo)
2024: CASALE MONFERRATO - Numm Contemporary Art Gallery: "Florilegium" (group)
2024: Firenze - Artigianato e palazzo